Travel with local youth

We love wandering around, talking, sharing things about our lovely Saigon.

As your local companion, we take you on free walking street tours where we can tell you hundreds littles things about the city of Saigon, listening to all the things you have to say about your country. We learn from the stories that we have been told and our tour guides pass on knowledge from there henceforth. That is what we have aimed to gain and done for the last 15 years



The annual "Sky Lantern" program deliveries love to needy children.

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Get lost in maze to play the vibes from the most crowded city.

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Culture exchange

Bring traditional Vietnamese beauty into the program by all of our heart and effort.

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TOP Reviews

Solo in HCMC

Saigon Hotpot you are very cool coming up with this idea. When I go traveling in a new country, I'd spent lots of time browsing Google Map, trying to find the best place for caffeine / meals /lying on the beach and do absolutely nothing. But then I felt there's something missing. Something other than money in my bank account .Is it to see history from a different perspective? Is it getting to know people other than YouTubers? Or is it figuring out a silly answer to a silly question like why that girl in front of me put a chopstick through her hair? I do not know. But I do know one thing - Without Ms.An and Ms.Lam - my trip in HCMC would've been that much less interesting.

Liwei Huang

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- Morning: 8AM - 12PM
- Afternoon: 1:30PM - 5PM
- Fullday: 8AM - 5PM
- Night: 5PM - 9PM

It's such an honour for Saigon Hotpot to accompany you in Saigon. However, all of your bookings must be submitted at least 5 days in advanced. In case of urgent requests (less than 5 days prior to your tour dates), please kindly direct your email to our Tour Operation Team at, or contact our Tour Operator via Whatsapp (+84 921 181 418)